
Konica Minolta AF 16mm/2.8 Fisheye (已停產)

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leslie1998 (8個心得) 於 2011-05-13 22:59:33
推薦此產品 (使用了 2 日)
- 個蓋, 唔會好似canon 14L括花個hood.
- 重量適中, 400g, good balance with a55, a350
- 銳利度比我想像好, f5.6邊位較sharp, f9打後變差
- 一貫Minolta色, neutral自然唔會好似sony za太味精
- 抗昡光比起鏡皇1735G好好多, 真係! 我都估唔到
- 變型-.- , 我未上FF所以未感受到真正魚眼效果
- 暗角唔明顯 (APS-C)
- 視覺比16-80@16(APS-C) wide, 比起crop機 + canon 14L仲wide, 大概係12-13mm x1.5
- 對焦超快(理所當然)
- 顏色濾鏡都幾好用
- 強光下依然有flare, 似終係n年前coating
- 超難搵, 幾個月先見道一兩支二手.
- 價錢偏貴, 我入手接近$5000
- 不可裝濾鏡, 但係因為hood不太深, 好易清潔.
- 對焦好嘈, 買minolta AF預左.
- 鏡身感覺冇1735G甘好, 膠膠地 :P
我最近念住入UWA, 但見sony冇, 跟開始留意呢支魚眼, 看到外國網review話APS-C可以當UWA用 (中度變型), 而且比起同價(around $5000 HKD)既wide angle zoom成像令d同sharp, 只係要唔介意變型, 於是我就上網搵, 居然比我發現有支冇花新淨Minolta AF 16 fish, 雖然要價接近$5000, 但決定一於上馬, 交收後即刻到尖沙嘴試影維港, 插支鏡落a350到, UWA配合CCD出黎既feel真係好實在, 顏色超正.

我初頭由canon轉黎sony時用過24za, 雖然散景好令, 但係d顏色好濃, 有d味精.
所以轉投minolta, 用過既80200APO, 1735G, 50 1.7同呢支16魚, minolta <3 <3

好多人話"$5000買支魚眼?!? 好灑錢lor" , 我就認為雖然魚眼效果可以後執, 但係其實好多野都可以後執, 甘kit鏡執完都可以令過L鏡, 甘d人仲買L鏡? 影魚眼相係一種樂趣, 我覺得用呢支魚眼影完每一張相都有一d驚喜既效果, 原來影相都可以甘有趣. 而且講好聽d, 用魚眼鏡可以訓練我地既取景技巧 :D

至於minolta同sony 16 sifh既分別, 其實... 我係sony C.S.試過sony 16/2.8,
徐左直覺上顏色既feel唔同(唔同coating嘛)之外, 其他分別唔大, 做工方面minolta既手感好好多, 同埋唔明點解sony個支都整埋內置filter, 個d filter淨係主要for film機, sony唉.... @_@ll
odyssey (2個心得) 於 2009-02-24 16:14:21
推薦此產品 (使用了 2 個月)
This len provided a good picture quality even at full aperture 2.8. Attain the most sharpest image quality from F4- F5.6, not only center, buy also all the corner, f8 and f11 show no much difference of image quality as compared with f4 - f5.6.

Light in weight and auto focusing is very fast.
not much CA, not found a little bit in the corners area.

Hard to buy in HONG KONG.

image curvature at the corner area
very good 16mm fisheye len, can capture more angle of view than the sony zeiss 16-80mm at 16mm when used in cropped sensors Alpha A700, A350, A200 etc. Looks like it isa 13-14mm len in cropped sensor camera.
Edge distortion is much bigger than the zeiss 16-80mm at 16mm.

CA is well conrolled and Vignetting is much better and less than the zeiss
When used in full frame, it is a diagonal fisheye 180 wide and is very fun to use.

If you like wide angle and can find one, grab it.

Highly recommend