
Leica DG Summilux 25mm F1.4 Asph.(已停產)

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n0066996 (5個心得) 於 2011-09-10 20:47:36
推薦此產品 (使用了 2 日)
- 全開光圈利
- 色澤正(有Canon 紅圈特性)
- 對焦快捷 (慢EP3 Kit Zoom少少, 和12f2 同速,比7-14快)
- Hood 型
- 可共用46mm filter (如20f1.7, 45mm f2.8, 14mm f2.8等)
- 沒貨
- Hood 不能反轉收
- 對焦環的膠好喜歡塵埃!
- Hood 的表面好易花
- 最近對焦比較差(20f1.7 近得多)
- 不上Hood 不太美觀 (不知為何很多師兄讀[哭],好難聽!)
- 正式有買貴,冇買錯的頭!
- 會放了20f1.7, 再等OM 的 45f1.8 或是 DG 45mf2.8 和已有的 12mmf2 組成定焦團
- m4/3 定焦三公子必然之選!
loveforever (20個心得) 於 2011-08-17 19:00:37
推薦此產品 (使用了 1 個月)
Very sharp, better than any 25mm range in any m4/3 before.
With F1.4 aperture, bokeh is the best among all m4/3 len!!!

It is a true "Standard Lens". I mean that LEICA DG SUMMILUX 25mm F1.4 ASPH sets out a standard of how a 25mm lens in m4/3 should be. A simple symmetric 9 elements in 7 groups design exhibits excellent optical performance:- nearly no distortion, natural color, well balance in resolution and contrast. A true general purpose standard lens!!!
Some people might feel it too sharp but that's what i like about it so i dont see any cons on this lens apart f from the scarity and price!
In comparing with other 25mm range with all other available m4/3 lens in the same range, my personal opinion is that Leica has better overall balance in various aspects of optical qualities (color, sharpness, distortion, ...etc).