
Carl Zeiss Touit 1.8/32

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Zeiss Quality on a budget! (Emount) (based on Ver.01 not Ver.00)
VisionaryUnited (18個心得) 於 2023-02-03 12:18:07
推薦此產品 (使用了 8 個月)
The lens is sharp
The lens is compact
Excellent sharpness, micro-contrast and colour reproduction
Version 01 focus faster and quieter
Version 00 lens don't focus as good
Version 00 AF Motor is noisy
If use Ver.01 on outdated Sony NEX Body, no more PDAF
You need to pay to get your lens firmware upgraded!
Currently using version 01 of the lens, so now the lens is PDAF supported.
Version 00 and version 01 lens has same excellent optical performance, with the exception of 01 better at focusing.

When using version 01 lens of Sony NEX3, NEX C3, NEX F3, NEX5, NEX5n, NEX7, new focus mechanism cannot be engaged, render it operate as noisy as a version 00 lens.

I love this lens of my A5100, its weight felt balanced on the body. The combo shoots very sharp pictures and portraiture is nice in almost all occasions.

Some say this lens is surpassed by Sigam 30 1.4, but the last 30 1.4 I had is a complete disappointment. It suffered from poor sharpness and extreme flaring rendering it unusable at F1.4-F2. I heard that Sigma 30mm 1.4 lens often has huge copy variations, so i guess i was very unlucky to get a bad copy. Anyhow, I have sold my Sigma 30 1.4 and kept the Zeiss Touit 32mm now, so I will continue to use it as my standard normal prime.

This review is based upon my experience of this Ver.01 lens. Compare to Ver.00 of the lens, the Ver.01 focuses faster, more responsive, and equally sharp. With an equivalent focal range of 48mm, it serves me well at street photography, portraiture and landscape photos. You may be better treat V01 lens as "Touit 32 F1.8 Mk II" instead of the same lens, given they perform very differently in terms of AF and the fact you need to pay to upgrade firmware.

There is simply no reason to sell it off if I continue to invest my hobby on SONY APS-C Emount.

Tips: All Touit 32mm with later production date are version01, ask your dealer to make sure the lens you got is a version01 not a version00. Always check with dealer if they can upgrade your lens to version01 before making a purchase if all they have got is version00.
最後更新:2023-02-03 12:28:53
mpti (7個心得) 於 2019-09-06 14:56:53
推薦此產品 (使用了 7 日)
1. 輕、平。
2. 之前見好多review話對焦慢,我又覺得ok快喎(自己用XT3)。
3. 畫質優秀,主體sharp得嚟同背景之間嘅過渡好靚。
4. 新世代鏡頭嚟講,難得散景幾有味道。
1. 個遮光罩有成枝鏡咁長(當然好多人唔會認為呢個係缺點,但自己覺得好“Ar訂”)
2. 對焦環物料容易”痴”灰塵。
其實冇玩開富士,不過失驚無神比支200/2毒到,先至入咗支鏡加XT3玩起富士來。 入手第二枝鏡諗咗好耐,研究嚟研究去,發覺枝枝原厰鏡都好似差啲嘢咁,唔係好啱自己心水,後嚟見到一個比較冷門嘅Zeiss touit系列。
全新的x mount好似比較少,有興趣的可留意下二手。
high cp value standard zeiss lens
KM D7D (128個心得) 於 2017-08-31 19:04:28
推薦此產品 (使用了 1 個月)
(1)not expensive
(2)good color (Blue and RED )
(3)3d pop up image
(4)small and light weight
(5)good QC
(1)slow AF
(2)plastic body
the best standard lens for sony apsc evil user.
Touit 32, you really do it
duck_22 (5個心得) 於 2016-01-03 08:18:28
推薦此產品 (使用了 6 個月)
1. 色靚 濃而不淤
2. 通光量幾好 ISO自800至1600 夜晚或暗景都冇明顯雜訊
3. 銳利
4. 散景符合f1.8預期表現
5. 冰冷金屬感 寒冬見手印
6. 唔算大枝野
1. 冇對焦尺
2. 同原廠鏡比 對焦慢 但可接受 可能因為機身係5n
3. 自動對焦有聲 常常拉風箱 拍片建議外置收音同拎遠少少枝咪
4. 對焦環痴塵 橡膠素材...本人喜歡金屬環 24 1.8正
畫質十分滿意 唔係有其他需要 出街只帶佢
可能有其他產品更好 只能話本人除了在追求f1.4或更大光圈下的散景外 想不出要替換佢既理由
poormanDC (15個心得) 於 2014-11-29 13:03:41
推薦此產品 (使用了 1 個月)
以ZEISS來說, 平
畫質不輸SONY ZEISS, 其利斷金
1.8大光圈, SONY ZEISS 支FE 35MM可是2.8, 只有 24MM, 55MM有1.8, 但定價遠高於此
AF慢, 常拉風箱, 未支援PDAF (上行更改新FIRMWARE彼完全觲決)
以ZEISS來說, 孖鏡價除開只是三千多...只比SONY SEL35貴一點點, , 比SONY ZEISS 24 1.8平很多. 但單以畫質來說不輸.上行更改新FIRMWARE後AF大大改善, 和NATIVE SONY鏡一樣快.
最後更新:2015-03-13 05:44:13
成像可能係e-mount 最佳, 但對焦可能係e-mount最差既一支鏡
passerb (1個心得) 於 2014-09-19 10:03:12
持中性態度 (使用了 2 個月)
1) 成色絕對係e-mount中最好, 同24.8差無幾但以菜鏡孖寶價計平好多
2) 尤其在室內燈光不足下, 推大光圈影出黎D色一樣咁出, 閃燈可以掉埋一邊
3) 影人膚色白裡透紅, 但同canon比多一份清爽無咁俗
4) 散景雖有二線性但都唔太過份, 點都好過SAL35.8
5) 利!f1.8已經好利, 收到2.2直頭介手, 影大頭可以0係眼球中睇到渣機者個身形
1) 對焦慢, 每對一下焦都要來回拉風箱至少一次(有時兩三次添)影女人model可能都仲得, 影小朋友會錯過好多moment.
2) 對焦嘈, 拎佢AF拍片會聽到摩打聲仲要間中拉風箱, 手動因為佢無段電動,即使推得遠一樣有摩打聲
3) 無marco, 想拎佢影花做唔到睇花粉粒. 呢方面SAL35.8做到
4) 對焦時前鏡會前後郁, 大大條邊吸塵, 你唔可能唔落filter
5) 紫邊, D人話T*影昡光無紫邊但我覺得呢支鏡紫邊都幾勁下
6) 唔support A6000個對焦, 即使NEX既PDAF都唔support, 想以A6000配呢支鏡真係要諗清楚, 會廢左部機7成武功
支鏡配NEX-5R都用左兩個月, 呢支鏡真係又愛又恨, 影得準時真係靚絕同級. 影人利到數眼捷毛, 要係部機度SET翻影人像收銳利否則真係數埋毛孔. 色彩鮮艷尤其低光下影紅色野濃而不化, a mode EV+1 都唔會爆哂, 影景一樣細緻. e mount無幾多支做得翻呢個質素. 除左sony 支24.8Z...
但個對焦真係...影大人影靜態野都仲得, 影細路而著重對焦系統既,呢支鏡真係可以收埋.
雖然咁講但我都係用緊呢支鏡影細路, 起碼大光圈色鮮我基本上完全唔使落閃, 銳利度足有信心既可以手動對焦+峰值set低, 一樣影到數毛照, 最近對焦雖然唔係好近但係室內夠哂用, 只要set速度優先影10次(唔係10張丫)都有3-4次準既. 短短幾個月已經為兒子影出唔少滿意既笑容. AF set中心對焦都可以加快對焦速度
當你克服到AF問題, 呢支都算係鏡皇之一. 克服唔到既乖乖地比多幾千買支24.8Z啦
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